Photographers all have different philosophies on how much to edit, what looks good, what to remove, etc.
So we've compiled a series of before and after shots for you.
The before is the shot right out of our camera.
The after is after our editing.
For example, say HI to Mandy and Phil:
We easily spend 40 hours a week at our computers editing our photos and videos, tweaking as much or as little as needed on each image.
Our personal preference for editing is to keep our photos as close to what they looked like when we shot them as we can.
Below is a screenshot from my computer:
Here are a few more photos, our befores and our afters. We correct the colours, tweak the contrast and straighten horizens.
Can you tell?
We mostly use Adobe Photoshop for editing, even batch editing. There are a lot of things to be said for Lightroom vs. Photoshop, but that's a blog for another day.